The results are in! Apple Q4 2009: $9.87B revenue, $1.67B profit. 3.05M Macs sold, 10.2M iPods, 7.4M iPhones.!!!!! Operating margin was $2.91 billion, 22 percent of revenue.
EPS $ 1.82 er 10 % bedre enn de "snilleste" estimatene jeg har sett, og 28% høyere enn konsensus! Apple-aksjen trader opp 13 USD i after-traden, dvs. opp 7% fra close!
Guiding for Q1 '10:
"Looking ahead to the first fiscal quarter of 2010, we expect revenue in the range of about $11.3 billion to $11.6 billion and we expect diluted earnings per share in the range of about $1.70 to $1.78.”"
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